
A must have resource for any teacher or speech/language provider working with older students. This download focuses on organization, short-term memory, time management, task initiation, goal setting, and sustained attention.

Ready-to-print resource that focuses on executive function skills for older students. This resource includes printables that focus on planning, organization, prioritizing, and task initiation. This resource can be individualized for each of your students needs.

Do you have students who are asked to take notes during class but do not know where to start or never have paper available? Do you have students who take notes on a single sheet of paper and can never find it again because they misplaced it or even threw it away?
Whenever we do an in-classroom service we find that two areas that are the biggest struggles for our students; note-taking and being organized. We created this resource to provide you with a way to support your students organization and note-taking skills. The resource is meant to provide you with different options for different students. Each student and class subject might benefit from different templates. Print these sheets as needed or keep copies in with you as you go into the classroom setting to give to students as needed.

This is a must have when you work with older students. Many of their goals focus on Executive Function and more specifically improving their ‘Time Management’ skills. This download will provide you with opportunities to look at prioritizing tasks on a daily/weekly basis, reflecting on the time it took to complete a task, and planning out your day.

Low-Prep/No-Prep/ready-to-print resource that focuses on job skills. This resource includes lesson plans and a variety of activities. When working with older students we need to focus their attention on career readiness skills. This resource will prepare your students who are ready to enter the vocational setting with interview skills, resume writing, job interest survey, and so much!

Looking for a helpful guide to help prepare students for exams? We created this resource to prepare our students for exams and make them feel more confident the day of the test. Includes: executive function tools, study tips, study tools, virtual study tools, and test-taking strategies.

Over 60 strategies in one resource. Great resource for the on-the-go teacher or Speech/Language Provider who is providing in-classroom or small group supports. Two different size options to allow this resource to be utilized in a variety of different settings.